Performance Marketing

How to Collect First Party Data Amidst Cookie Demise

How to Collect First Party Data Amidst Cookie Demise

How to Collect First Party Data Amidst Cookie Demise

Discover essential techniques on gathering first-party data before the cookie era ends.

Discover essential techniques on gathering first-party data before the cookie era ends.

Discover essential techniques on gathering first-party data before the cookie era ends.

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How To Collect First Party Data Before The End of Cookies

A shift away from third-party cookies has created a need for businesses to harness and optimize their first-party data collection strategies. Cookies are no longer just used for data gathering; they are also being phased out as a way to build and maintain relationships with customers. The following guide will help you secure your first-party data collection practices before cookies disappear in 2025 so that your marketing remains robust and data-driven.

Revamp Your Website into a Data Collection Powerhouse

Your website is the biggest lever for first-party data collection. Optimizing it to collect data effectively involves more than just gathering information; it's about creating engaging interactions that encourage users to share their details willingly.

Interactive content

Deploy interactive tools such as quizzes, calculators, or e-books that provide value to users. These tools invite users to input their information in exchange for personalized results or recommendations, simultaneously enriching their experience and your data pool.

Registration Incentives

Enhance the value proposition of signing up for accounts or newsletters. Offer exclusive benefits like early access to sales, premium content, or personalized discounts that incentivize users to register and share their data.

Leveraging Mobile Apps for Deeper Data Insights

If your business has a mobile app, it's a prime channel for accumulating rich first-party data. Apps can gather data from user inputs and user interactions and behaviors within the app, which can provide deeper insights into preferences and habits.

In-App Behavior Tracking

Utilize in-app analytics to track user interactions, from feature usage to session lengths. This data is invaluable for understanding how users engage with your app and what drives their actions.

Push Notifications

Use push notifications wisely to gather data by prompting users to engage with new features or content. Monitor the interaction data to learn about user preferences and adjust your app’s offerings accordingly.

Developing a Robust Customer Feedback Loop

person seated and typing on laptop with a 3d interface showing up in front of screen

Feedback is a direct line to customer preferences and expectations. Establishing a continuous and proactive feedback loop can provide ongoing streams of valuable first-party data.

Surveys and Polls

Regularly engage your customers with surveys and polls that are seamlessly integrated into their user experience. Ensure these tools are brief, relevant, and timed to coincide with recent interactions or transactions.

Feedback Widgets

Implement feedback widgets across your digital properties to collect real-time, context-specific insights. These widgets should be non-intrusive yet easily accessible, encouraging users to share their thoughts spontaneously.

Creating Value-Driven Email Marketing Campaigns

Email remains a powerful tool for collecting and leveraging first-party data. The key is tailored content that subscribers find continual value in your communications, prompting not just open rates but interaction.

Segmented Campaigns

Use existing data to segment your audience and tailor email campaigns that speak directly to different groups’ needs and interests. This approach not only boosts engagement but also encourages subscribers to update their preferences and information, enriching your data.

Interactive Emails

Incorporate interactive elements like polls, surveys, or dynamic content within emails that adjust to user inputs. These interactions enhance engagement and serve as funnels for collecting additional user data. 

Harnessing Events and Webinars

Virtual or physical events and webinars are excellent for deepening relationships and provide an opportunity for collecting first-party data. They provide a platform for direct interaction and engagement, offering an opportunity to gather data through registrations, sessions attended, feedback forms, and live polls.

Personalized Event Experiences

Tailor event experiences by leveraging registration data to personalize agendas, content, and networking opportunities. Post-event, use collected data to send customized follow-up content, further enhancing user value and data collection.

Optimizing Customer Service Interactions for Data Collection

Customer service interactions are often overlooked as a source of first-party data, yet they offer critical insights into customer preferences, problems, and satisfaction levels. By optimizing these interactions, you can transform every customer service exchange into a valuable data collection point.

Structured Data Gathering

Implement structured data-gathering techniques within your customer service protocols. Encourage your customer success managers to categorize and record customer inquiries, feedback, and outcomes systematically. This structured approach not only improves service efficiency but also aggregates valuable data that can inform product improvements and marketing strategies.

Integrating CRM Systems

Ensure that all customer interactions are logged in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This integration allows you to capture detailed records of customer interactions across different channels, providing a comprehensive view of the customer journey. Analyzing this data can reveal patterns and opportunities for enhancing customer relationships and tailoring marketing efforts.

Enhancing User Experience to Encourage Data Sharing

The user experience on digital platforms plays a pivotal role in the voluntary sharing of first-party data. A seamless, engaging user experience encourages deeper interaction and increases the likelihood of data submission.

UX/UI Design

Focus on UX/UI design to make data submission intuitive and non-disruptive. Design forms and data entry points that are easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing, which can significantly enhance the user’s willingness to share personal information.

Value Exchange

Clearly communicate the value exchange involved in data sharing. Users are more likely to provide their data if they understand how it benefits them, such as through personalized content, unique offers, or an enhanced browsing experience. This transparency not only builds trust but also reinforces the value of the data exchange from the user's perspective.

Utilizing Advanced Technologies for Passive Data Collection

A hand holding a phone with the word DATA beaming from the device

Leveraging advanced technologies can enhance your ability to collect first-party data passively, without requiring direct user input. This method respects user privacy while gathering useful data for improving services and personalization.

Behavioral Analytics Tools

Implement behavioral analytics tools to track how users interact with your website or app. These tools can provide insights into user behavior patterns, such as page views, session duration, and interaction with key features. Understanding these patterns helps tailor user experiences and optimize content placement.

AI and Machine Learning

Utilize AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets and identify trends that may not be visible through manual analysis. These technologies can predict user needs based on interaction patterns, offering opportunities to personalize experiences and preemptively address potential issues.


In summary, a strategic approach to collecting first-party data involves more than just direct requests for information. By optimizing every facet of customer interaction and leveraging advanced technologies, businesses can gather valuable data in a manner that respects user privacy and enhances the overall customer experience. These strategies not only improve the quantity and quality of the data collected but also deepen customer engagement and loyalty, positioning your business for success in a post-cookie world.

How To Collect First Party Data Before The End of Cookies

A shift away from third-party cookies has created a need for businesses to harness and optimize their first-party data collection strategies. Cookies are no longer just used for data gathering; they are also being phased out as a way to build and maintain relationships with customers. The following guide will help you secure your first-party data collection practices before cookies disappear in 2025 so that your marketing remains robust and data-driven.

Revamp Your Website into a Data Collection Powerhouse

Your website is the biggest lever for first-party data collection. Optimizing it to collect data effectively involves more than just gathering information; it's about creating engaging interactions that encourage users to share their details willingly.

Interactive content

Deploy interactive tools such as quizzes, calculators, or e-books that provide value to users. These tools invite users to input their information in exchange for personalized results or recommendations, simultaneously enriching their experience and your data pool.

Registration Incentives

Enhance the value proposition of signing up for accounts or newsletters. Offer exclusive benefits like early access to sales, premium content, or personalized discounts that incentivize users to register and share their data.

Leveraging Mobile Apps for Deeper Data Insights

If your business has a mobile app, it's a prime channel for accumulating rich first-party data. Apps can gather data from user inputs and user interactions and behaviors within the app, which can provide deeper insights into preferences and habits.

In-App Behavior Tracking

Utilize in-app analytics to track user interactions, from feature usage to session lengths. This data is invaluable for understanding how users engage with your app and what drives their actions.

Push Notifications

Use push notifications wisely to gather data by prompting users to engage with new features or content. Monitor the interaction data to learn about user preferences and adjust your app’s offerings accordingly.

Developing a Robust Customer Feedback Loop

person seated and typing on laptop with a 3d interface showing up in front of screen

Feedback is a direct line to customer preferences and expectations. Establishing a continuous and proactive feedback loop can provide ongoing streams of valuable first-party data.

Surveys and Polls

Regularly engage your customers with surveys and polls that are seamlessly integrated into their user experience. Ensure these tools are brief, relevant, and timed to coincide with recent interactions or transactions.

Feedback Widgets

Implement feedback widgets across your digital properties to collect real-time, context-specific insights. These widgets should be non-intrusive yet easily accessible, encouraging users to share their thoughts spontaneously.

Creating Value-Driven Email Marketing Campaigns

Email remains a powerful tool for collecting and leveraging first-party data. The key is tailored content that subscribers find continual value in your communications, prompting not just open rates but interaction.

Segmented Campaigns

Use existing data to segment your audience and tailor email campaigns that speak directly to different groups’ needs and interests. This approach not only boosts engagement but also encourages subscribers to update their preferences and information, enriching your data.

Interactive Emails

Incorporate interactive elements like polls, surveys, or dynamic content within emails that adjust to user inputs. These interactions enhance engagement and serve as funnels for collecting additional user data. 

Harnessing Events and Webinars

Virtual or physical events and webinars are excellent for deepening relationships and provide an opportunity for collecting first-party data. They provide a platform for direct interaction and engagement, offering an opportunity to gather data through registrations, sessions attended, feedback forms, and live polls.

Personalized Event Experiences

Tailor event experiences by leveraging registration data to personalize agendas, content, and networking opportunities. Post-event, use collected data to send customized follow-up content, further enhancing user value and data collection.

Optimizing Customer Service Interactions for Data Collection

Customer service interactions are often overlooked as a source of first-party data, yet they offer critical insights into customer preferences, problems, and satisfaction levels. By optimizing these interactions, you can transform every customer service exchange into a valuable data collection point.

Structured Data Gathering

Implement structured data-gathering techniques within your customer service protocols. Encourage your customer success managers to categorize and record customer inquiries, feedback, and outcomes systematically. This structured approach not only improves service efficiency but also aggregates valuable data that can inform product improvements and marketing strategies.

Integrating CRM Systems

Ensure that all customer interactions are logged in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This integration allows you to capture detailed records of customer interactions across different channels, providing a comprehensive view of the customer journey. Analyzing this data can reveal patterns and opportunities for enhancing customer relationships and tailoring marketing efforts.

Enhancing User Experience to Encourage Data Sharing

The user experience on digital platforms plays a pivotal role in the voluntary sharing of first-party data. A seamless, engaging user experience encourages deeper interaction and increases the likelihood of data submission.

UX/UI Design

Focus on UX/UI design to make data submission intuitive and non-disruptive. Design forms and data entry points that are easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing, which can significantly enhance the user’s willingness to share personal information.

Value Exchange

Clearly communicate the value exchange involved in data sharing. Users are more likely to provide their data if they understand how it benefits them, such as through personalized content, unique offers, or an enhanced browsing experience. This transparency not only builds trust but also reinforces the value of the data exchange from the user's perspective.

Utilizing Advanced Technologies for Passive Data Collection

A hand holding a phone with the word DATA beaming from the device

Leveraging advanced technologies can enhance your ability to collect first-party data passively, without requiring direct user input. This method respects user privacy while gathering useful data for improving services and personalization.

Behavioral Analytics Tools

Implement behavioral analytics tools to track how users interact with your website or app. These tools can provide insights into user behavior patterns, such as page views, session duration, and interaction with key features. Understanding these patterns helps tailor user experiences and optimize content placement.

AI and Machine Learning

Utilize AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets and identify trends that may not be visible through manual analysis. These technologies can predict user needs based on interaction patterns, offering opportunities to personalize experiences and preemptively address potential issues.


In summary, a strategic approach to collecting first-party data involves more than just direct requests for information. By optimizing every facet of customer interaction and leveraging advanced technologies, businesses can gather valuable data in a manner that respects user privacy and enhances the overall customer experience. These strategies not only improve the quantity and quality of the data collected but also deepen customer engagement and loyalty, positioning your business for success in a post-cookie world.